Week 1 (May 18 - May 24)

less than 1 minute read | Written by Nickil Maveli

In this week, Mark creates CWRU (Case Western Reserve University) username accounts for all the students and mentors. Mine is nxm526. To receive all official HPC messages, Mark provides us with a case.edu account.

To see if we can log in to the CWRU HPC server after connecting through the CWRU VPN:

$ ssh nxm526@rider.case.edu
Warning: Permanently added the ECDSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.
$ nxm526@rider.case.edu's password:

To access the HOME directory:

$ [nxm526@hpc3 home]$ cd /home/nxm526/
$ [nxm526@hpc3 ~]$ ll
total 0
